The CASS Andorra: social security for expatriates in the Principality

If you are thinking about moving to Andorra and wondering what is the social security system implemented in the country, you can be reassured: it is very powerful! The CASS, social security of Andorra, is the body responsible for collecting contributions and ensuring social reimbursements: sickness, old age, disability, death, etc. Let´s focus on its functionality.
Registration to the CASS and main social security benefits for an moving to Andorra
First thing to know: you can move to Andorra and go to the Principality without any hassle. At the level of social security, the Principality of Andorra is known as the most competitive country in the world!
The best system on the planet!
This is a ranking recently published by the British medical journal "The Lancet" which states: the country is ahead of states as exemplary in the field as Iceland or Switzerland!
The competitiveness of the Andorran social security system is based on the effectiveness of the CASS Andorra (Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social), a state body in charge of the management of health insurance and old-age insurance. It should be noted that these two branches are very distinct in the organization of the CASS and use their own resources.
If this information is meant to be purely informative, the main point is to remember that people registered to the CASS Andorra benefit from a high-performance social security system that covers the following risks:
- disease,
- maternity leave,
- accidents at work (temporary or permanent disability) and occupational diseases,
- invalidity, old age and death.
Individuals who have the right to do so may, for example, receive cash benefits (per diem), maternity and paternity insurance, family benefits, etc.
How to benefit from CASS Andorra social security?
To take advantage of the services of the CASS, Andorran social security, during your expatriation in Andorra, you must first apply for tax residence in the country.
There are two types of residence: passive and active. Feel free to check out our article on the subject to find out more. In both cases, the granting of Andorran resident status makes it compulsory to register with the CASS Andorra. You will be covered by the social insurance of the country.
Will my family members be able to benefit from CASS Andorra’s social security?
If your spouse is an employee or head of a company, he / she must be affiliated to the CASS Andorra.
The children will be able to benefit from the cover of their parents under conditions.
Here is a summary of the beneficiaries of the Andorran social security benefits when they depend on salaried or self-employed workers in the Principality:
- the spouse with no activity,
- children under 18,
- children under 25 when they are still students
The procedure to follow once you are an expatriate in Andorra
In order to obtain registration with the Andorran social security system at the CASS, you must obtain form SE 130-09, which is an attestation for the registration of the tributary of social benefits and its beneficiaries. After filling it out, send it to the CASS.
In order to realize a desire to a new start, you must have the certainty of a successful arrival.Virginie Hergel
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Contributions and refunds
Be aware that conventions and agreements have been signed between France and the Principality of Andorra (notably the General Administrative Arrangement of 23 January 2001). The texts stipulate that you will not have to contribute in both countries. Once moved to Andorra, only the affiliation to the CASS Andorra will be necessary.
Amount of social security contributions for residents and expatriates in Andorra
For both employed and self-employed workers, the rate of contributions to the CASS Andorra is the following (the contribution base is constituted by the gross salary):
- sickness insurance branch: 10%
- the old age pension branch: 11%
Note that, for salaried workers, the share due is simply, respectively, 3% and 3.5%. The rest is the employer’s charge.
Self-employed workers can receive a 50% reduction in their first year of employment and then 25% to 75% depending on the results of the exercises.
Entrepreneurs and the directors of the companies are levied from 20% to 25% of the average monthly salary in the Principality (about 2,000 euros).
Refund of expenses
The average refund made by the CASS Andorra is as follows:
- 75% of health costs (drugs, doctor) in case of consultation with a practitioner or an approved organization (33% in other cases, except in the case of an emergency);
- 90% of hospitalization costs;
- 100% of the costs incurred by the work (accident, occupational disease).
In case of subscription to a complementary mutual, refunds may be increased to 100% of health expenses.
During your expatriation in Andorra, do not hesitate to call on Set Up, Private Concierge Reference in the Principality. We accompany you and advise you in all your administrative procedures, for registration with the CASS, social security in Andorra, as for the search for housing, the opening of a bank account, the creation of business or the management of everyday life. Do not hesitate to contact Set Up!