Expatriation in Andorra

Daycare, schools and French high school in Andorra

Vivre en Andorre Live

It is not always easy to get organized when you move to a country that you do not necessarily know. If you are considering expatriation in Andorra and you are asking questions about childcare facilities and school infrastructure in the Principality, the following information will be of interest to you. From the daycare to the French high school in Andorra, discover essential addresses that will allow you to consider the future with serenity.

Welcoming for children, nurseries and kindergartens in the Principality

Various solutions are available to you if you need childcare for your very young children.

There are also many daycare places that can accommodate your kids in Andorra. Your children must be at least 3 months old in order to qualify for registration.

From 3 months to 6 years

Here are some addresses of nurseries in Andorra. If necessary, Set up will be happy to accompany you in your visit of different establishments in order for you to make a choice.

  • Kids : 14 Esteve Dolsa Pujal Street / Andorra la Vella, AD500
    Phone: +376 807 580
  • Daycare in Escaldes-Engordany (near the capital, Andorra la Vella)
    Phone: +376 806 150
  • Daycare in Andorra la Vella
    Prada Casadet Street
    Phone: +376 829 465
  • Daycare in El Pas de la Casa
    17-19 Ciutat de Valls Street
    Phone: +376 827 317

Requirements for inscription

Different options are possible (a half-day, a day, meal time, etc.). These centers are paid and open between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm

When registering, the following papers are required:

  • child’s identity document;
  • medical certificate specifying his aptitude to evolve in society;
  • up-to-date vaccination card;
  • international insurance certificate.

In order to realize a desire to a new start, you must have the certainty of a successful arrival.Virginie Hergel

Telephone or WhatsApp Contact
+376 331 586

Nursery schools, primary school and French high school in Andorra


The 3 possible choices for the education of children in the Principality

The Andorran educational system is divided into three distinct branches, three school systems that you can choose according to your aspirations once expatriated in Andorra:

  • Andorran school and education, founded in 1982 depend on the Andorran Government. 4,000 children are counted in the Andorran education system;
  • Spanish education. Of secular and congregational obedience, it is under the responsibility of the Spanish Administration. It welcomes approximately 3,000 students;
  • French education: specially designed for expatriates from France, it is supervised by the French State authorities and follows the teaching programs issued by the French Ministry of National Education. It is connected to the Montpellier Academy.

Children between the ages of 2 and 18

The Andorran education structure stretches from preschool to high school, depending on the levels:

  • preschool, from 2 ½ years and up to 6 years,
  • primary school,
  • secondary school (college + high school),
  • professional (possible learning from the age of 16).

It should be noted that each of the 7 parishes of Andorra (Canillo, Encamp, Ordino, La Massana, Andorra la Vella, Sant Julia de Loria, Escaldes-Engordany) has at least one primary school.

Secondary schools are located in large cities (Andorra la Vella or Escaldes-Engordany).

From kindergarten to high school in Andorra, the education system is perfectly integrated into the history of the country of the Principality. The first schools appeared in 1900 and their functioning has constantly evolved to reach an excellent level.

Finally, the education system of the Principality is completely free. Many opportunities for private or specialized schooling are however present on the territory.

French schools, colleges and high schools in Andorra: addresses

In Andorra, French education is provided in 14 nursery and primary schools as well as in the French lycée of Andorra la Vella. 3,600 pupils are in school.

Here is the list of these establishments by parish:

Andorra la Vella

  • mixed elementary school: 14 classes
  • nursery school: 9 classes
  • high school: from the 6th to the terminal class and to the BTS (see elsewhere).


  • mixed elementary school: 15 classes
  • nursery school: 10 classes

Pas de la Casa

  • mixed primary school: 5 classes, including 2 nursery classes


  • mixed primary school: 5 classes, including 2 nursery classes


  • mixed elementary school: 5 classes
  • nursery school: 4 classes


  • mixed elementary school: 6 classes
  • nursery school: 3 classes


  • mixed primary school: 7 classes, including 3 nursery classes

Sant Julia de Loria

  • mixed elementary school: 7 classes
  • nursery school: 5 classes

Santa Coloma

  • mixed primary school: 3 classes

The French School of Foix Count in Andorra

From the 6th grade to the final year (+ BTS), the French high school Count de Foix of Andorra la Vella prepares for the L, ES, S, STT baccalaureate series. It also offers a 3rd technology class as well as a professional and technical education with the following options:

  • BEP Hotels
  • BEP Electrotechnical
  • BEP Accounting Trades
  • Bac Pro Accounting
  • Bac Pro Hospitality-Catering
  • BTS Management Assistant SME-PMI
  • Specialized education Sanitary and thermal installations
  • Specialized education Technical employee of communities.

Address: French High School of Andorra on behalf of Foix, 25 Prada Motxilla Street BP 109 - Andorra la Vella
Phone: 87 25 00 (calling from France, dial previously 00-376)

Do not hesitate to contact Set Up, Private Concierge Service in Andorra, if you want more information about the educational system of the Principality and the possibility of enrolling your children in a school or in the French high school of Andorra la Vella.



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