Social Security (CASS) and healthcare in Andorra

During a project of expatriation in Andorra, there is inevitably the question of social security coverage in case of illness and in case of the access to healthcare. What are the healthcare and social security systems (CASS) in Andorra? Are foreign residents protected by the system? What are the reimbursement rates for expenses incurred to treat each family member? Here is the answer to all these questions.
Healthcare and social security in Andorra
Healthcare and social security issues in Andorra are based on a simplified and centralized system that is very efficient. In this case, only one organization is in charge of regulating all the social and health insurance schemes in the country: CASS, Andorran Social Security Fund (Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social).
General Functioning of the Healthcare and Social Security System (CASS) in Andorra
If you plan to live in Andorra, bear in mind that it is this social security organization (CASS) that manages the reimbursement of expenses resulting from medical and hospital expenses.
Membership in the Social Security Fund (CASS) is compulsory in Andorra for all employees who exercise a professional activity and for the vast majority of residents.
CASS, social security and health coverage in Andorra: 2 divisions
The social security and health insurance scheme in Andorra is divided into two distinct branches:
- the general branch: it concerns the sector of general reimbursement benefits and others such as those related to maternity, paternity, incapacity for temporary work, etc .;
- the retirement branch: it concerns the management of retirement and widowhood pensions.
Amount of contributions and coverage of health expenses
The amount of health and social security contributions in Andorra is as follows:
- employers and employees: levy from 5.5% to 10.5% of salary. Since the average amount is set by the country’s authorities at 14.5% of the income, it is the employer who is obliged to pay the difference of between 4% and 9% of the salary of his employees;
- entrepreneurs and business leaders: 20% to 25% of the average monthly salary in the Principality. The latter is calculated from taking into account the income of all workers in the Principality affiliated to the CASS.
The CASS, the only healthcare and social security organization in Andorra, covers health costs at a rate of between 75% and 100% of expenditure, depending on the case.
In more detail, here is a range of reimbursements for fees related to contracted health services:
- 75% of general health expenses (drugs, doctor). Possibility of 100% coverage by subscribing to a complementary mutual;
- 90% of hospitalization costs;
- 100% of the costs incurred in the event of an accident at the workplace or a work-related illness.
If your health expenditure in Andorra is made with services not authorized by the CASS and the Andorran authorities, reimbursements are set at 33% of the amount committed.
In order to realize a desire to a new start, you must have the certainty of a successful arrival.Virginie Hergel
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Living in Andorra: the CASS system
The CASS, the Andorran Social Security, was created in 1968. It currently covers more than 90% of the population living in Andorra.
The law applied since 1 November 2009 in the field of health and social security in Andorra defines a legal framework, with regard to contribution requirements and reimbursement rates. It is the result of a long-term reflection on the rationalization of health practices and costs in Andorra.
The CASS is indeed a very important element of the Principality’s public system. It certifies to residents of the country and to those who have made the choice to live in Andorra the assurance of medical care.

Living in Andorra: excellent infrastructure and an internationally thought-out health policy
In addition to its strong social security organization, Andorra also builds the reputation of its health system on the quality of its hospitals, its medical equipment and the signing of international agreements with its European partners.
Emergency: Useful telephone numbers if you are going to live in Andorra
In the health system in Andorra, medical centers, particularly useful in case of first aid, are established in all parishes. You can contact them in case of emergency.
- Escaldes: +376 861 098
- Andorra la Vella: +376 808 942
- Sant Julia de Loria: +376 843 243
- Encamp: +376 831 711
- Pas de la Casa: +376 755 350
- Canillo: +376 851 050
- La Massana: +376 837 430
- Ordino: +376 747 025
- Santa Coloma: +376 725 636
- Hospital «Nostra Senyora de Meritxell»: +376 871 000
In all cases, in extreme urgency, dial 118.
France / Andorra Accords
On 12 December, 2000, a social security agreement was concluded between the French Republic and the Principality of Andorra. It aims to cover the maximum number of people in the field of health and social protection.
This convention specifies that individuals are subject to the social security system of the State in whose territory they are active. It relates to :
- employed and self-employed persons, regardless of their nationality, exercising or having exercised a professional activity in one of the two territories;
- insured persons without activity, regardless of their nationality;
- active and retired civil servants.
The branches subject to the Franco-Andorran Convention on health and social protection are as follows:
- sickness and maternity,
- accidents at work and occupational diseases,
- Invalidity and death,
- old age,
- various family benefits.
Do not hesitate to contact Set Up, Private Concierge in Andorra, if you want more information about the health and social security system (CASS) in Andorra.